La saga de Conan

conan2.jpg Les récits sont de Robert E. Howard sauf indications contraires. Tous ces récits ont été traduits et publiés en français en collection de poche.
Récit dans l’ordre chronologique (et non dans l’ordre de leur création et parution)
The Thing in the Crypt (de Camp and Carter)
The Tower of the Elephant
The Halls of the Dead (de Camp and Howard)
The God in the Bowl
Rogues in the House
The Hand of Nergal (Carter and Howard)
Chains of Shamballah (de Camp and Carter)
Conan of Cimmeria
The Curse of the Monolith (de Camp and Carter)
The Bloodstained God (de Camp and Howard)
The Frost Giant’s Daughter
The Lair of the Ice Worm (de Camp and Carter)
Queen of the Black Coast
The Vale of Lost Women
The Castle of Terror (de Camp and Carter)
The Snout in the Dark (de Camp, Carter and Howard)
Conan the freebooter
Hawks Over Shem (de Camp and Howard)
Black Colossus
Shadows in the Moonlight
The Road of Eagles (de Camp and Howard)
A Witch Shall Be Born
Conan the wanderer
Black Tears (de Camp and Carter)
Shadows in Zamboula
The Devil in Iron
The Flame Knife (de Camp and Howard)
Conan the adventurer
The People of the Black Circle
The Slithering Shadow
Drums of Tombalku (de Camp and Howard)
The Pool of the Black One
Conan the buccaneer
(novel by de Camp and Carter)
Conan the warrior
Red Nails
Jewels of Gwahlur
Beyond the Black River
Conan the usurper
The Treasure of Tranicos
Wolves Beyond the Border (de Camp and Howard)
The Phoenix on the Sword
The Scarlet Citadel
Conan the conqueror
The Hour of the Dragon
Conan the avenger
(novel by de Camp and Nyberg)
Conan of aquilonia
(novel by de Camp and Carter)
Conan of the isles
(novel by de Camp and Carter)
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